- “We can’t do anything because of vacation schedules.”
- “Everyone is in summer mode so let’s reconvene in September.”
- “No one will pay attention during the summer.”
On vacation indeed! Sure we’d all like to kick back and take it a bit easier during the summer. And some of us might even get to take off a wee bit of time to go on vacation. But putting off business development planning and initiatives until the fall or holding back from any sort of sales simply because it is summer, well, that’s plain nutty.
In these most difficult of times, the agencies that rise to the top and survive (and maybe even thrive) will be those that are serious about their growth and willing to do what they need to do to reach their goals. They acknowledge summer, sure, but that doesn’t mean they withdraw from sales and marketing activities.
Want to get ahead? Why not engage in some sales "green time" or prospecting right now while your competition might be kicking back. We're taking a look at our social-media strategy, revisiting our PR efforts and doing what we need to do to grow our business.
Into the pool everyone.