Thursday, December 27, 2018

Get Real Value with The Lowest Life Insurance Prices Anywhere

Women are doing more than ever; working full time, chief buyer for most households, chief caregiver, head accountant, but we still insure most women like it's 1950. Inexplicably women are still underinsured.
The times they are a changing and we need to keep up. Women comprise 57% of the U.S. labor force and are the primary breadwinner or co-breadwinner in 64% of households. If Mom were to have an untimely death most households would be devastated both emotionally and financially. Yet women have 31% less life insurance than men. Time for that to change! As an added bonus, we can cover most women without an exam!

Healthy Female 20 Year Guarantee Term

$500,000 - 20 Year Term

Female 35 - $19 Monthly
Female 45 - $38 Monthly
Female 55 - $85 Monthly
Healthy Female 40 Year Guarantee Term

$250,000 - 40 Year Term

Female 35 - $29 Monthly
Female 40 - $49 Monthly
Female 45 - $78 Monthly

Female NO EXAM NEEDED 15 Year Guarantee Term

$1,000,000 - 15 Year Term

Female 50 - $77 Monthly
Female 60 - $186 Monthly
Female 69 - $518 Monthly
Female Lifetime Coverage with 4% Long Term Care Coverage Added

$250,000 - Lifetime Coverage w/ LTC

Female 40 - $116 Monthly
Female 50 - $181 Monthly
Female 60 - $299 Monthly

Whether it's for Yourself or Your Family Member, Start Saving Money Today!

Doug Myrick

Tuesday, December 25, 2018

Is it stress you're feeling - find out now

Sometimes the holidays can have you feeling more stressed or overwhelmed.  CareOptions can help you, a family member or friend with early detection of possible anxiety concerns with the interactive Anxiety Assessment. 

According to the National Institute on Mental Health, anxiety affects approximately 40 million American adults or about 18.1% of the adult population, and it is the most widespread mental health problem in the world today. The stress of the holidays can make things even worse.

Millions suffer with anxiety that is severe enough to interfere with their everyday lives. By being proactive and taking the Anxiety Assessment, concerns may be detected early and can then be addressed appropriately with a mental health professional before they become unmanageable.

Enjoy the holiday season, don't stress over it!  Take the Anxiety Assessment here along with all the other assessments available to you and your family in CareOptions. Early detection and prevention are key to keeping yourself and your family healthy.

Have a happy and healthy holiday season!

Log on to and
enter your Passcode BK4801

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Holiday Greetings

It is the time of year to spend time and create memories with the ones you care about most: Family, Friends, Kids, Grand Kids and if you're really lucky Great Grand kids!

Whether you are celebrating a holiday or not. Please have a happy and safe holiday season!

We are truly blessed to have been able to work with you this year,
and we look forward a great 2019. 

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Three Useful Tips For Preventing Common Workplace Accidents

Don’t leave anything to chance where workplace safety is concerned. It’s an all-encompassing challenge, but here are three solid tips to start with today:

• Keep your floors clear of all cords and wires. Lots of office injuries are due to people’s tripping over electrical cords that they didn’t see while walking through the workplace.

• Secure all desk and filing cabinets to the floors or wall. You don’t want them to tip over if they become overloaded or unbalanced, or topple in the event of a storm or earthquake.

 Keep storage areas clean. Shelves should be organized and orderly. Don’t leave boxes or equipment on the floor. Stored items should be clearly labeled so employees can find what they’re looking for easily, without having to move things around or clutter up the area.


Monday, December 17, 2018

What to budget monthly if you become a dog owner

A new survey of 1,500 Americans found that we underestimate how much a new furry dog is going to cost us monthly.

If you want a friend, get a dog, people who love dogs like to say. Their tail-wagging companionship can brighten a hard day at work and make the gloomiest evenings easier to bear. But this new friend comes with a hefty price tag. As a new survey of 1,500 Americans found, we underestimate how much this furry addition to our lives is going to cost us.

Dogs cost a monthly average of $153

While most people thought owning a dog would simply cost them $25-76 dollars, the survey calculated that the average monthly expense was $153. To prevent yourself from getting sticker shock, it’s good to research how much maintaining a dog is going to actually cost you. Citing the North American Pet Health Insurance Association,, Chicago Tribune, among others, here’s what the survey calculated what average monthly expenses for your dog will be:
  • Food  — $40-$60
  • Toys — $10/toy
  • Flea and tickworm prevention — $40-200
  • Heartworm prevention — $24-120
  • Treats —$6
  • Poop bags —$6-20
  • Tooth care/dental chews —$10
And those are just monthly expenses. One-time costs like adoption fees, which can cost up to $600, or spay and neuter surgery, which averages about $200-800, according to the report, can put a hole in your wallet before you even meet your new pet. But for people who want a dog, this is all worth it. The survey participants said they would be most willing to give up alcohol, takeout and coffee to have their dog.
And once they have their pets, these committed owners are willing to make more financial sacrifices to keep them happy. Dog lovers enjoy showering their pets with expensive gifts. One in three dog owners saying they would spend more than $250 on a special gift for their dog, and one in four admitted they had bought a massage, not for themselves, but for their dog, suggesting that for some of us, self-care comes from what we can give our beloved pets.

Saturday, December 15, 2018

This Holiday Season - Protect Your Vehicle

We are well immersed in the holiday shopping season! While the holidays bring tidings and joy, they also bring heightened opportunities for thieves. Below are some tips to help protect your vehicle and your packages this holiday season:
1. Don't leave packages unattended!
Loading up on all those gifts is a sign of progress in the holiday shopping, but if those packages are left out in the open once in the car, your car has become a likely target for thieves. Remember the old cliche "Out of sight, out of mind?" The same idea applies to items in your car!
2. Always lock your vehicle!
Unlocked cars are an easy target! Breaking into an empty car isn't worth a thief's time. However, anything left in plain view—from your holiday gifts to spare change, sunglasses, CDs, cell phones or briefcases—may tempt a thief
3. Anti-Theft Devices!
Help prevent your vehicle from being stolen by always locking your car and using anti-theft devices. 
Following these tips can help make your holiday season merry and bright! Happy shopping!