Women are doing more than ever; working full time, chief buyer for most households, chief caregiver, head accountant, but we still insure most women like it's 1950. Inexplicably women are still underinsured.

The times they are a changing and we need to keep up. Women comprise 57% of the U.S. labor force and are the primary breadwinner or co-breadwinner in 64% of households. If Mom were to have an untimely death most households would be devastated both emotionally and financially. Yet women have 31% less life insurance than men. Time for that to change! As an added bonus, we can cover most women without an exam!
Healthy Female 20 Year Guarantee Term
$500,000 - 20 Year Term
Female 35 - $19 Monthly
Female 45 - $38 Monthly
Female 55 - $85 Monthly
Healthy Female 40 Year Guarantee Term
$250,000 - 40 Year Term
Female 35 - $29 Monthly
Female 40 - $49 Monthly
Female 45 - $78 Monthly
Female NO EXAM NEEDED 15 Year Guarantee Term
$1,000,000 - 15 Year Term
Female 50 - $77 Monthly
Female 60 - $186 Monthly
Female 69 - $518 Monthly
Female Lifetime Coverage with 4% Long Term Care Coverage Added
$250,000 - Lifetime Coverage w/ LTC
Female 40 - $116 Monthly
Female 50 - $181 Monthly
Female 60 - $299 Monthly
Doug Myrick
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