Sunday, January 24, 2021

Top 5 Questions About Car Insurance

We get a lot of questions about car insurance, and most of them fall into about 5-10 top categories. Below we will discuss the top 5 questions that we get asked about car insurance most often.

Question 1:  Why should I shop around for car insurance?

Carriers typically should be competitive in price. There are times when you shop your insurance you will find that someone may be less expensive, but that isn't always the case. At Insurance Policy Centres we take the guessing out of the equation for you. Reason being is we are working closely with our carriers every day and we know which have been beating the competition. Why is this good for you? When your renewal is up we know that year if the carrier you are with is the most competitive and if not we take it to market for you, takes all the guessing out of it for you! 

Question 2:   Does it make sense to insure both of my cars on the same policy?

Yes, absolutely, for a number of reasons. First, you want to ensure that your cars are insured under the same policy that are under the same roof for liability reasons. Also, splitting the cars up will loose you a multi-car discount, as well as multi-policy discount if you have home insurance/renters insurance. 


Question 3: Do I really need more insurance than state minimums?

Yes, there are a number of reasons you want higher than state minimum insurance limits so let's complete a policy review of your current coverages. 

Question 4: Do I need rental coverage?

Most people do, yes, and here is why... If you are a two car household and both adults use the cars at the same time and one were to be in an accident you would need another car to drive in the mean time. Rental coverage is not very pricey to know that if you needed a car at a time that yours was being worked on it is totally worth it. That and roadside assistance, get that too, it's super cheap.

Question 5: Which carrier is the best?

Well, that is a loaded question as bigger carriers are great. There are a few things that you want to take into mind. Their AM best rating, their claims rating, and their customer service. Good news for those that are clients of Insurance Policy Centres is the customer service is taken care of by our office. We take care of all your questions and concerns as well as help you with the process of claims if/when that would be necessary. The carriers that we represent are all A to A+ rating and have a good track record with claims payment. We only represent those that we would use for our own personal insurance needs.

If you have any questions or want a free quote from Insurance Policy Centres:

*Call us at (305) 741-3684

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