Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Doing the "Daily Seinfeld" (or Everyday Success)‏

Procrastination a challenge? Sometimes the only difference between a success and a failure is the ability to get stuff done!

I just read a brilliant article on Entrepreneur.com about "The Seinfeld Strategy." It breaks down why the famous actor and entrepreneur, Jerry Seinfeld, was so successful - in his own words.
And the crazy part? It's so darn easy to repeat his successful model. Let me break it down for you:
1. Print out a big wall calendar with the whole year on it.

2. Pick one meaningful task to complete every day. Keep it simple, but actionable.
For example: "Networking" is too vague and "research leads" doesn't create enough action. Something like "reach out to one new person every day." That requires action, but still broad enough that you can complete it every day. It can be a new lead, a new business in town, or even a stranger on the street.
3. Mark a big X each day, creating a chain of Xs as you build up more days.
Your only goal is to not break the chain of Xs.
It doesn't matter if you hear back from them or even has anything to do with your agency book-of-business. The point is to just be consistent.
And that's it.
Don't let your goals loom over you. Stop looking at the "big picture." Until you are comfortable with fear, the "grand scheme" will only intimidate or overwhelm you.
Focus on action, and stop stressing over results.
To the daily Seinfeld!

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