Sunday, April 24, 2016

Why Talent Isn't Enough

Today, talent is everywhere.  On the television, in sports, at the local ball field, and so on and so on.  Now, more than ever, there are tons of talented and bright people all around us. 
Talent alone is NOT enough.
Understand that becoming great at anything requires experience, hard work, and time.   And, the sands of time can either wear down or polish.  It all depends on how you utilize your experience and what you do with your time, be it using it productively or letting it waste away. 
Why does talent fail?
Basically, because you can have all of the talent in the world, but unless you back your talent up with lessons learned from experiences, putting your goals into action, and using your time purposefully, then your talent won’t matter.
What is the most commonly overlooked factor of success?
Acquiring any skill requires constant and never ending improvement.  Progressing from “good” to “the best” requires hundreds of tiny improvements from day to day.  It doesn’t just happen by itself.  Never mistake anyone’s success or talent as luck or good fortune. 
Behind every GREAT talent, is a dedicated commitment to make
these tiny improvements every single day.
As Michael Jordan said, “Everyone has talent…But, ability takes hard work.”  Jordan didn’t even make his high school basketball team.  But, he didn’t give up.  He worked at relentlessly improving every day until he became one of the best in the history of basketball.
So, I’ll close with two questions to consider:
What key skill do you want to be great at?
What are you doing to make tiny improvements on it every day?
To Your Success,

~ Uncle 'D' 

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