Friday, February 14, 2020

6-Step Checklist for a STAND OUT Job Interview

Here's my 6-Step Checklist to a smashing, successful, springtime job interview. Try to say that five times fast. ;-)

  1. Arrive early—not merely on time. The interviewer may keep you waiting but you should never keep him or her waiting. It's also wise to allow time for unexpected traffic snarls, a coffee break, and a restroom stop. And don't "wing it" when it comes to locating the correct building. Know EXACTLY where you're going.
  2. Empty your pockets ahead of time. There is nothing more annoying than the noise of someone fiddling with keys or coins in a pants pocket while you're talking. Put any jingly items in your purse or briefcase until the interview is over. That goes for dangling earrings and clanking bracelets, as well.
  3. Leave cigarettes and chewing gum at home or in your car. Be ready to focus your attention on the interviewer and his or her questions. Also, avoid hard candy and cough drops. They can impede your speech when you try to suck and speak at the same time. If your mouth feels dry, sip plain water.
  4. Avoid expectations. Focus on the moment, not on what you hope or want the moment to hold for you. Enter the interview room with a "clean slate." In other words, take it as it comes and embrace each moment. You may be in for a pleasant surprise when you let the interview come to you. Welcome it. Pay close attention to what he or she is saying, employers are attracted to intent listeners.
  5. Be ready. Arrive prepared to talk about the job you hope to land along with your qualifications and previous work experience. And don't forget that it's all right for you to ask some questions too. Above all, show that you're an attentive, passionate, and caring individual. This will increase your likeability factor ten-fold. Companies do not hire candidates they do not like, period.
  6. Believe the best. Come into the interview with the attitude of a winner. Whether or not you are hired really doesn't matter as long as you do your absolute BEST. At some point "YOUR BEST" will land the position that's ideal for you. Believe that in your heart and allow it to relax you. Meanwhile, you'll be practicing your communication skills and presenting your true self. Step up to the opportunity and make the most of it.
- Doug Myrick

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