Sunday, January 24, 2021

Top 5 Questions About Car Insurance

We get a lot of questions about car insurance, and most of them fall into about 5-10 top categories. Below we will discuss the top 5 questions that we get asked about car insurance most often.

Question 1:  Why should I shop around for car insurance?

Carriers typically should be competitive in price. There are times when you shop your insurance you will find that someone may be less expensive, but that isn't always the case. At Insurance Policy Centres we take the guessing out of the equation for you. Reason being is we are working closely with our carriers every day and we know which have been beating the competition. Why is this good for you? When your renewal is up we know that year if the carrier you are with is the most competitive and if not we take it to market for you, takes all the guessing out of it for you! 

Question 2:   Does it make sense to insure both of my cars on the same policy?

Yes, absolutely, for a number of reasons. First, you want to ensure that your cars are insured under the same policy that are under the same roof for liability reasons. Also, splitting the cars up will loose you a multi-car discount, as well as multi-policy discount if you have home insurance/renters insurance. 


Question 3: Do I really need more insurance than state minimums?

Yes, there are a number of reasons you want higher than state minimum insurance limits so let's complete a policy review of your current coverages. 

Question 4: Do I need rental coverage?

Most people do, yes, and here is why... If you are a two car household and both adults use the cars at the same time and one were to be in an accident you would need another car to drive in the mean time. Rental coverage is not very pricey to know that if you needed a car at a time that yours was being worked on it is totally worth it. That and roadside assistance, get that too, it's super cheap.

Question 5: Which carrier is the best?

Well, that is a loaded question as bigger carriers are great. There are a few things that you want to take into mind. Their AM best rating, their claims rating, and their customer service. Good news for those that are clients of Insurance Policy Centres is the customer service is taken care of by our office. We take care of all your questions and concerns as well as help you with the process of claims if/when that would be necessary. The carriers that we represent are all A to A+ rating and have a good track record with claims payment. We only represent those that we would use for our own personal insurance needs.

If you have any questions or want a free quote from Insurance Policy Centres:

*Call us at (305) 741-3684

5 times you should consider meeting with an insurance agent

If you're serious about building long-term wealth, you'll probably find yourself face-to-face with an insurance agent at some point.

A good insurance agent can organize your overall financial picture and implement risk strategies that will help you achieve your goals, from putting your kids through college to retiring when you want.

Here are a few times you should consider hiring an insurance agent.

1. You're having a baby soon

Some of the most exciting life milestones also happen to be the most costly. If you're expanding your family, there's a good chance you'll need to find room in your budget to accommodate the increased expenses — you're feeding, housing, and clothing another human, after all.

An agent can sit down and estimate the true costs of parenthood, reorganize your cash flow, and plan for any savings goals you have as a family.

2. You're combining finances with your partner

Money is often a touchy topic in relationships, especially when your spending and saving habits are at odds. A professional can walk you through which accounts to combine or keep separate, and create a cohesive financial plan that meets both your needs.

3. You won't invest on your own

Investing in the stock market is one of the most powerful tools we have for building wealth, but too many people are paralyzed by the fear of losing their money that they avoid investing all together. If this sounds like you, consider consulting an agent to formulate an investment strategy that satisfies your risk tolerance.

Indeed, returns are never guaranteed when investing in the stock market, but what you miss out on by sitting on the sidelines is often far greater than what you could potentially lose if you invest wisely.

4. You need help with your retirement plan

The younger you are, the simpler your retirement strategy should be: Save as much as you can automatically through your tax-advantaged savings accounts, including your company-sponsored retirement plan, such as a 401(k), and/or a traditional or Roth IRA.

But as you age into your 30s and 40s, you'll have a clearer idea of what your ideal retirement looks like, and figuring out how to achieve that may get a bit complicated. Insurance agents are adept at retirement planning — they can assess how much you should be saving and where you should be investing it to put you on track to your dream retirement.

5. You're overwhelmed by debt

Anyone who has ever been in debt, whether from student loans or credit cards, knows it can feel insurmountable at times, especially if you're juggling saving for retirement or financial goals, or live in an expensive city.

If you're overwhelmed by your debt load, consider consulting an insurance agent who can help you come up with a debt repayment plan that works for you and doesn't neglect your other financial goals.

Doug Myrick call 305.741.3684 or email me

Sunday, January 10, 2021


For a while the United States’ idea of law enforcement was fairly loose. The Wild West was, well, wild. And most states and cities didn’t consider emergency services like firefighters and police officers to be necessary until much later than most would think. In the mid 1800s, most law enforcement was carried out in the form of posse comitatus, where the sheriff and a posse of volunteers and deputies (much like the stereotypical Westerns of the 1960s) would enforce laws rather than a centralized police force. 

Once the 20th century rolled around most larger cities, counties, and states had developed a centralized police or sheriff’s department. In doing so, most of the country slowly started to see a reduction in the “Wild West” and a more tame and domesticated America, despite many of the newly formed local authorities needing to pick sides in a rise of unionizing laborers going on strike. 

Whether its civil unrest, labor strikes, huge sporting events, or just helping a cat get down from a tree, law enforcement officers are a critical part of our lives, woven into the everyday fabric of living in America. They keep our neighborhoods safe and help ensure that whatever it is you need to do, you can do with peace of mind.

National Law Enforcement Appreciation Day was created by multiple organizations in 2015 to express their gratitude for officers in the United States. In support of their services citizens are encouraged to do their part in thanking the law enforcers on this day. One of the main organizations to take the lead in this is C.O.P.S – Concerns of Police Survivors. According to them, law enforcement officers need to be shown that the difficult career path they have chosen is recognized by the people who they protect and uphold the law for. 

This holiday was triggered by the chain of events in 2014, when a police officer was involved in a crossfire shooting in Missouri. The backlash and violence that followed this event led C.O.P.S to take the initiative to change this negative portrayal of police officers in the news in recent years into a positive one. With over 900,000 officers in the United States, the organization believes it is essential to support law enforcers during difficult times, and a holiday dedicated to them does just that. The day also raises awareness on the importance of understanding that the difficult decisions taken by police officers are in the best interest of citizens and the law.

Doug 'former Deputy Sheriff, Police Officer, Sergeant, and Chief of Police' Myrick