Thursday, May 12, 2016

The 7 Wonders of Life Insurance

  1. Buys time: Allows loved ones to focus on their grief by helping to pay for the funeral and other costs.
  2. Provides a fresh start: Lets loved ones start with a clean slate by helping to pay off credit card bills, outstanding loans and even the mortgage.
  3. Generates income: Helps replace lost income for years to come so that surviving family members can continue to pay for life’s necessities.
  4. Offers flexibility: Gives a surviving spouse the chance to take time off or to switch to a job that offers a more flexible work schedule.
  5. Creates opportunities: Can provide funding to start a business, or pay for schooling so surviving family members can train for a new career.
  6. Funds the future: Offers a way to fund longer-range goals like a college education for the kids or a secure retirement for a surviving spouse.
  7. Leaves a legacy: Gives parents the chance to leave future generations with the legacy of long term financial security.

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