Wednesday, August 14, 2013

How To Send Your Direct Mail Marketing Campaign For FREE!

This is a marketing idea that I refer to as the “Group Direct Mail Marketing Campaign.”

We all know direct mail can work if it’s sent to the right target demographic (your buying public), and if it’s done consistently. And, every business owner would love to send their direct mail campaigns for free, but that’s impossible, right? Wrong!

Here’s how: You approach 9 other vendors, businesses, companies, corporations, professionals, etc., and see if they’d like to be involved in a group direct mail marketing campaign. The perks of working with you is that you are going to take care of everything – the printing, the entire direct mail effort, etc., and it is much cheaper than a traditional direct mail effort because the cost of the effort is divided amongst the group of 9 business owners. (More on this in a minute as your direct mail piece will not cost you anything.)

This is similar to a value pak envelope if you are familiar with Value Pak. However, your envelope is bigger (usually 2-sided, 8.5″ X 11″ inserts) and it’s your own targeted direct mail marketing piece that rides along with 9 other vendors, professionals, business-owners, companies, corporations, etc.,

Here’s how it works. Once you pitch 9 other businesses, companies, corporations, people, etc., to see if they would like to be part of your direct mail campaign, and they say “Yes, I’m in”, tell them exactly how many people and to what specific zip codes and demographics you are going to be sending your package to. For example, let’s say you’re sending out 40,000 pieces in 5 zip codes. You figure out the price ahead of time. Then divide that total price by 9 – NOT 10 – so that the other 9 businesses split the entire cost of the mailing.

So, if it’s going to cost you $10,000 to send out 40,000 pieces, divide that by 9 rather than by 10, so that 9 people actually pay for the cost of having 10 pieces sent out. After all, you did organize, coordinate and facilitate the entire direct mail campaign.

This is an incredibly effective marketing idea and a win-win for everyone involved. It’s so inexpensive when you divide that total cost by 9 businesses – they’ll never know that they’re paying for you. Your piece gets to “ride for free” for as many direct mail initiatives or campaigns as you send out. It’s a fantastic way to test your direct mail pieces with absolutely no financial risk!

To Your Success,

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