Wednesday, October 2, 2013

10 Tips for Leaving a Good Prospecting Voicemail

Voicemail is a tool you can use in prospecting.
Key is to leave a voicemail that reflects you in a positive manner. This does not mean you leave a message about how great you are. Instead, you leave a message that offers the other person something of value.

Here are 10 Tips for Leaving a Good Prospecting Voicemail:

1. If your goal is to get the phone call returned, don’t leave enough information to allow the person to make up their mind. Leave them with only enough information to return the call. (You must create a reason.)

2. Repeat your phone number twice. If the person can’t write your number down easily, you’ve given them a perfect reason to not call back.

3. Messages left on a Friday afternoon are the least likely to be returned. For most people, Monday mornings are very busy and, as a result, only high-priority activities will get their immediate attention.

4. Do not leave voicemail messages at odd hours of the night.

5. The best hours to leave voicemail messages are from 6:45 AM to 8:00 AM and from 4:30 PM to 6:30 PM.

6. Voicemail messages are an excellent way to introduce yourself to a person. Be personable, yet professional, and link your message to something of interest to the person you are calling (such as another person or event).

7. When leaving your phone number, do not leave your website or email address as well. This will only give the person an opportunity to make a decision about you without calling you back.

8. Use the person’s first name at least twice in the message.

9. Avoid leaving messages that are longer than 20 seconds. The optimal voicemail message is between 8 and 14 seconds.

10. Do not leave the same voicemail message more than once for the same person. Always provide them with a new urgent reason to call you back.

Here’s a sample of a message I might leave someone: Hi Ron, this is Doug Myrick, Pro Advantage Services. I have some new information about cyber coverages and controlling insurance expenses for your business. Ron, I’d be happy to share it with you. Give me a buzz at 515.395.7715. Thanks again! This is Doug Myrick, 515.395.7715.

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