Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Ultimate insurance profit secret: reactive vs. proactive

Wasted potential.



Anger, Bitterness, Resentment.

So many insurance professionals succumb to these debilitating activities and beliefs for one very simple reason - they react instead of proact.

Yes, proact is actually a word - yet it's hardly even in our vocabulary at all.

Daily we find ourselves re-acting to all the issues around us.  Complaining clients, new regulations, the latest about Obamacare, a new lead, a sick child, a spouse unhappy with their work, and on and on and on.

All of these are completely under our control in terms of how we react and more importantly how we proact before any of them ever happen.

Being and thinking in a proactive way is the single most significant mindset strategy to achieving high levels of success financially or in any other area of your life.

Reaction can only yield a solution after the problem has occurred.  In other words, you are forced to deal with and experience the problem, challenge or obstacle in the first place.

Proaction, however, prevents the problem from happening in the first place.  

Consider a simple example of dental care.  We go to the dentist twice a year for a cleaning and check-up.  The purpose of this is primarily to proactively prevent any serious issues from developing.  There are examples or proactive prevention all around us in the healthcare industry.

Yet, in our own businesses, it's day after day of responding, playing catch up, explaining what went wrong, damage control with a client, and just plain reaction.

To truly achieve the success you want, you must adopt and commit to a new way of thinking about your business, your time, your energy, your money.  You must think in proactive terms.

Ask yourself, "How can I prevent this problem from occurring again?"  "What can I do now to conserve my time, money and energy later?"  "What coverage protection recommendations make sense in order to avoid the challenges and obstacles that my competitors will be facing in the future?"

In other words, think ahead.  THINK ahead.  Consider more than the problems of the day and determine a set strategy to prevent them from happening tomorrow.

Yes, it's easy to blame our lack of success on the environment around us - our clients, the economy, government regulations, the 'tough' competition, etc. 

But such blame is also merely a reaction to your own lack of success. 

Sometimes, you must react, and there's nothing wrong with that so long as you continue to think in proactive terms, and do everything you can to prevent problems and challenges from occurring in the first place.

Ultimately, there are no more worthwhile questions you can ask yourself about your life and business than proactive ones.

Today, add the word 'proact' into your vocabulary and use it often!

Always the best!

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