Thursday, June 30, 2016

Quick Fix: Clean Your Patio Cushions

Deck and patio season is one of the best times of the year! But before you send out the invites for a big backyard party, make sure your outdoor furniture is ready for guests.
That means getting rid of any tough-to-clean spots and stains that may have accumulated on the cushions when they were stored for the winter. These tips from can help you get your seats ready for summer entertaining season.

Tip: Before you get started, it may help to remove any loose dirt from the cushions by going over each with a vacuum, according to

Step 1: Mix the cleaning solution.

Mix together 1 tablespoon of dishwashing liquid and ¼ cup of borax powder in a bucket of warm water.

Step 2: Soak the cushions with the solution.

Generously soak both sides of the cushions with the water mixture. Be sure you’re getting all the crevices and creases. Let the cushions soak in the solution for 15 minutes. (Tip: If you’re concerned about discoloration, you can first test the solution on a small area of the cushion prior to soaking the entire thing.)

Step 3: Scrub the tough spots.

If there are still spots on the cushions after the soak, recommends gently rubbing them out with a scrub brush and more solution.

Step 4: Rinse the cushions.

Using a garden hose, thoroughly rinse off the cushions. Note that says not to use a pressure washer for this step because it could ruin the fabric.

Step 5: Dry the cushions completely.

Blot the water from the cushions using a towel. Then stand the cushions up and allow them to air-dry completely. If they remain wet, some of the spots you just cleaned off could come back.

Step 6: Protect your now-clean cushions.

Once the cushions are dry, spray each one with a fabric protector. This can help make them easier to clean in the future, according to

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