Saturday, September 7, 2013

Life Insurance For Moms: Non-Negotiable?

One of the most memorable days of your life as a mother will probably be the day you became one. Having your first child, and the subsequent children as well, will probably be forever enshrined in your memory, and there’s a good chance you will always be able to recapture the moment in your mind’s eye.

Going home with baby, having your first nights as a family at home, and not getting a minute of sleep are probably also pretty high on the list. The enjoyment of getting to bring home baby to his new crib, his newly painted room, and putting him on display to awaiting family and friends are all cherished moments.

If you’re like most Americans, however, life insurance is probably something which slipped through the cracks.

Life Insurance For Moms

With the insane amount of preparation in and around the house before baby’s arrival, buying insurance was probably not too high atop the list of to-dos. Keeping baby happy, fed, and hopefully peacefully sleeping are much more a priority in the beginning.

But as you settle in, and you finally get to the point of at least a few hours of sleep per day, reality will begin to creep back as you realize you will have to continue your daily activities. You’ll quickly find you have much more to do than you ever did with the addition of feeding, diapers, and constantly entertaining.

With this increase in responsibility, you obviously have a new financial responsibility as well; not just today, but as your child(ren) age. Much like when you bought your home or your car, you suddenly needed insurance to cover them. Homeowner’s insurance and car insurance are a little different than life insurance though, because they’re actually mandatory.

Interestingly enough, homeowner’s and car insurance are both insurance which cover things that are replaceable. Should something happen to either your house or car, you can buy another (although its contents might be irreplaceable). Yet if your new child loses you, you’re not replaceable. Are you financially prepared for this?

Baby now depends on you for everything in life. From the most basic necessities to the hours of entertainment value you bring. But there is a financial burden now on your shoulders to provide these things. Food is not cheap, especially if you’re like most moms and doing your best to offer an organic meal until your child reaches a certain age. Clothing is definitely not cheap because your newborn will sprout out of every piece of clothing until they’re practically out of high school.

Dads, you are hardly exempt from this conversation. In fact, statistically, you’re probably an even bigger concern. Only until recently, men have been the main breadwinner in a household by a wide margin. While the gap is thinning, you actually hold the responsibility two-fold: financial burden, and gender burden.

Because men still hold the primary income, it only means you have a greater responsibility to your family should something happen to you. Your human capital is more, so more insurance would be required to replace you financially in the future. Less dads are caretakers of children than women, and should the primary caregiver die, life insurance is non-negotiable and a must to sustain your loved ones.

The simple fact you are a male is also another reason to consider life insurance sooner than later. Women live longer than men. It’s a fact. Whatever the reason, there’s a greater chance you’ll pass away before your wife.

Life Insurance For New Parents

As new parents, both of you collectively now have mounting responsibilities both in daily activity and short- and long-term financial aspects. Chances are, you’re operating under a dual income household, and you are already stressed about your finances. Most households are. You might already be wondering about how you could even take on another bill, and what you might have to give up in order to do so.

Well, consider this: imagine you didn’t have any life insurance in place and you lost your spouse. Now what?

You think you had a financial problem as a dual income family? How in the world do you think you’re going to be able to maintain your lifestyle as a single income family, and even worse, a single parent family?

Life insurance for new parents is a crucial, crucial part of your financial plan going forward. Let’s face it. You’re probably not socking away mountains of cash to invest or just simply save without first thinking what baby needs and wants. He’s truly your first thought every waking moment (probably because he is your waking moment). His needs and wants are now your first priority, and you’ll find yourself giving up a lot to have more time with him and your newly grown family.

Possibly giving up nights out on the town, nice quiet meals out (or even just a quiet meal), and even dropping things you thought were important before, but realize are no longer relevant.

It’s time to transition your mindset to life insurance being something your baby needs, not necessarily something you need. It’s not even for you, really. It’s for those you leave behind. You will never see a reward of life insurance you’ve purchased on yourself. You only see the benefit from someone else having it. But you also are the only one who has to deal with the situation where someone is lost and didn’t have life insurance. Surely, you don’t want to leave the latter type to your precious newborn.

Follow us all month long as we dive deeper into why life insurance for new parents is so critical and the many applications where it might be relevant. We’ll also be showing you ways to utilize resources to find the best policy, and even things you’ll want to avoid when you’re considering your first policy.

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