Wednesday, January 8, 2014

3 Words to Remember in the New Year: Plan, Do, Repeat

I say its 3 words to remember, but really its 3 actions you need to do each day.

Plan, Do, Repeat

If you ask me which word or action is the most important, I would most likely say none of them is most important. Rather, they’re all incredibly important for the simple reason they all build off each other.

If I don’t plan, how will I know what to do? If I fail to repeat what I do, how will I be able to sustain success?

The only question you should have to ask yourself is what is it you can do to help you do the 3 actions even faster and more effectively?

Insurance sales is an awesome profession. The ability to positive impact so many other people is a great calling. Challenge is all of the benefits of impacting others positively is lost if you don’t do the 3 actions.

Plan, Do, Repeat

Since it’s the start of a new year, there is no better time to think through each of the steps.

Is your planning concise and set up to ensure you never end one day without knowing exactly what you’re going to do the next day?

What about your “do.” What needs to be changed to allow you to connect with your clients more effectively? Do you need to change your approach, your prospecting, or your approach to closing?

What is keeping you from repeating things faster? Are there some items you can remove from your calendar to give you more time in the day or week? Your objective should be to find 30 extra minutes per day or 2 hours per week you can devote to selling.

In the end it’s not difficult. It comes down to the middle action: “Do.” The more you do, the more you increase your odds for having more success.


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