Sunday, January 10, 2016

What's In Your Bank Account?

Right now, I want you to pretend that there is a bank account that automatically deposits $86,400 into your checking account every morning.  No questions asked.  The catch is, is that you can’t roll over any of the money that you don’t spend TODAY.
That’s right, every night the bank clears out of your account any remaining balance that you didn’t use. 
So, I ask you, What would you do?  You would withdraw every cent, every day, right?
Well, guess what?  We each have a bank.  It’s called TIME.
Each day, it gives you 86,400 seconds to do with as you please.
Every night, you lose whatever time you wasted, and you can’t get it back.
But, the good news is that you have a brand new account opened for you with each new day with a brand new 86,400 seconds. 
So, what will you do with your time?  Will you use those seconds wisely? Or, will you allow it to be lost by investing it in things, people, or activities with no purpose or meaning?
The choice is completely yours.  Invest your time in things that benefit you mentally, emotionally, spiritually, professionally, and personally.  This will lead to a life of success and happiness in ways that you may not even realize. 
Make today count!
To Your Success,

- Uncle "D" 

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