Sunday, February 21, 2016

Are You a Problem Solver or Creator?

There are two things that you will be remembered for: either a solver of problems or as a creator of them.
Which do you want to be?
I’m not saying you have to make a global impact and solve the world’s problems here. 
I’m merely pointing out that you can either be in the problem or in the solution.
You can be a problem solver in even the smallest of ways, in every moment. 
And other people are always either helping you or improving you in some way…OR…they are causing you grief and bringing you down.
So, let’s look at the other side of this:
How are these people seeing you behave?
With every car you let go first in traffic, each smile you give throughout the day, each encouraging word you offer, you are making an impression in someone’s life.
Your ability to give is limitless, and what you give, you always receive!
I encourage you to set a goal by answering these questions:
  • How many kind gestures can you give out to the world this week?
  • How many lives can YOU make a positive difference in?
  • What ONE thing will you DO to make a difference in someone’s life today?
I promise you, the most positively influenced life will be yours when you give of yourself in this way.
Give it a try!
To Your Success,

- Uncle "D" 

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