Sunday, February 7, 2016

Harness the Power of Your Mind

In 2015, a study that posed the question “Can positivity and happiness lead to success?” found that the answer to that question was: Absolutely.  Happy people view situations from a positive standpoint, and they perform better than their less happy co-workers.  They are also less likely to be unemployed. 
So many people miss out on the good things because they allow fear to distract them and hold them back. 

They say:
“What if I fail?”
“What if they don’t like me?”
“What if I make a mistake?”
Now, let’s turn that around:
What if you DO succeed? 
What if they DO like you? 
What if you do it BETTER than anyone else? 
That’s the kind of thinking that will take you places.  When you go out into the world every morning with an attitude of expectancy and a positive mind-set, you CANNOT fail.  You will walk right into favor, blessings, and success, because with this kind of perspective, you are not seeing setbacks as failures.
Let’s take this a step further.  What about growth?  A lobster, for instance, sheds its shell to grow a new one time and time again over the course of its lifetime.  The lobster ONLY grows when it becomes uncomfortable. 

In other words, if you look for a quick fix whenever things get stressful or you feel under pressure, you are stunting your own personal growth and developing a negative mind-set.  Try to look at ALL experiences as for the greater good, and you will see that even in the darkest times, the benefit of growth was there all along!
To Your Success,

- Uncle "D" 

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