Saturday, December 7, 2019

Seven Traits Of Top Producers

Have you ever heard someone say… “They’ve got what it takes!”? Is that what you would like people to say about you? Accordingly, would you like to know “What It Takes” to be among the best in sales? Think of the exceptional sales producers that you know and I think you’ll find, that they have most, if not all, of the seven traits of top producers…
  1. Goal-oriented… Some people may call it a vision. While others will describe it as a purpose… a mission statement. Regardless of what you call it, exceptional salespeople know what they want… and they have put it all into writing. When you know what you want… Then you can determine what you need to do right now… to make it happen!
  2. High levels of energy… Top producers are more focused, study more, and work harder than all of their competition… And that is their competitive edge.
  3. Master of sales conversations… They are so well-rehearsed, that their sales conversations are as natural as breathing.
  4. Do not take “no” personally… Because they have a high level of confidence and self-esteem. So, while they may be disappointed, they are not devastated.
  5. Totally honest with their customers… No matter what the temptation is to take short-cuts, these people always resist. As a result, they gain the ongoing trust and respect of their clients.
  6. High levels of empathy… They can put themselves into their prospects’ shoes, imagine needs, and respond appropriately. So, they can make their recommendations… their prospects’ ideas.
  7. 100% accountable… Top producers do not blame the economy, the competition, or their company for their lack of sales. Instead, the worse things are, the harder they work to turn things around.
How do you measure up to these seven traits of top producers? What should you do to develop what it takes? Go back and review the seven traits again. Because you will discover that they are all within your control. And with just a little bit of effort, you too can develop… What It Takes!
- Doug Myrick

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