Thursday, January 2, 2020

Next Level Job Search

Launching a job search is exhausting.

How do I know this?

I was a victim of the 2009 housing market crash and was looking for new employment. I was in my mid 50’s, I wanted to find a dream job, hoping it would be the last time I had to go through a job search.

I had a ton of experience and thought that finding that job would be a breeze. But boy was I wrong! The job search had changed and what I found, rather than a job, was how absolutely HARD the job search had become.

I know what it’s like to wake up and dread rejection letters in my inbox.

I know what it’s like to feel hopeless and lost without guidance and support on how to approach a job search.

I also know what it’s like to worry about your finances and family relationships.

But I also know that with focus, support and a framework for success anyone can find their dream job.

A job search is much harder today than it used to be. But… it becomes much easier (and faster) if you have a personalized job search plan in place. A proven plan where you can avoid all the common mistakes and get right to what is working in today’s job search. 

Don't delay another minute if you want to find your next job NOW. Our step-by-step process is designed to keep you focused on the activities that will get you results quickly. 

- Doug Myrick

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